A beginner's guide to understanding micro-conversions

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A beginner's guide to understanding micro-conversions


Key quotes:

  • "For example, for many of our ecommerce clients, the main conversion funnel looks something this: Home Page >> [click on “Shop Now” button] >> Product Gallery Page >> [click on a product] >> Product Page >> [click on “Add to Cart” button] >> [click on “Checkout” button] >> Checkout Process >> Purchase Confirmation You can use our Micro/Macro Conversion Goals Template (a public Google Doc) to get started: Go to the Behavior Flow report on Google Analytics (Behavior >> Behavior Flow)."
  • "Therefore, the main user flow for this website is: Home >> Shop Page >> Product Page >> Checkout You then want to set micro conversions for each step of the process (e.g."
  • "Now that we’ve explained how to select the right micro and macro conversion goals based on your Behavior Flow data, let’s talk about how to set it up in Google Analytics."
  • "For example, you can set up a micro conversion Goal such that if a user visits more than 3 pages and spends more than 2 minutes on a lead page, Adwords will add them to a retargeting list (because I see these visitors as “hot leads”)."
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Key quotes:

  • "Conversion rate optimization (CRO)is the method of increasing the percentage of website users taking the desired action — whether it’s filling out a form, being customers or not."
  • "The CRO cycle includes understanding how users pass around the site, what behaviors they are taking and what prevents them from achieving their goals."
  • "These are the 2 examples of conversions Macro-Conversions Micro-Conversions The CRO is useful for the ( Business To Business/ Saas Companies, E-Commerce Firms, Publication & Media Houses, Travel & Tour Agencies, and Agencies )."
  • "The conversion rate optimization is important because it helps in rising pay per click cost, increase in online competition, rise in digital marketing costs, shortening attention span of consumers and many more things."
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Key quotes:

  • "Macro conversions show the website’s Conversion Rate’s which is quite important for a brand or a service."
  • "For example, selling a product or receiving a service request are macro."
  • "There are fewer macro conversions than micro conversions because macros mostly exists at the end of the sales funnel."
  • "If you get a macro conversion, this means that you successfully achieved your goal for that particular customer."
  • "Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): The Beginners Guide Conversion Rate Micro Conversion Written by Written by."
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Key quotes:

  • "Through research, testing, and tracking results, you’ll discover how to grow your conversions."
  • "When visitors to your website make an action, or complete a goal (like signing up for your newsletter) that’s a conversion."
  • "Not all first-time visitors to your website are going to “convert” (even if that’s what we’d like)."
  • "Visitors will be at different stages of the purchase cycle, so it’s a good idea to split your conversions into macro and micro goals."
  • "Essentially, it’s all about getting the most out of your website and marketing efforts."
  • "Benefits, to name a few, are: With any optimisation program, you’ll need to start with a good understanding of your business, your objectives and your goals."
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Key quotes:

  • "To increase user experience and lead to conversions, you can; In other ways, ornament your webpage immensely, so that the visitor would be willing to see other pages on your website as well as to take the desired action."
  • "To have a converting product page, you can; Pricing page of a website is usually the make or break pain point for many visitors, so applying CRO with clear descriptions of products and some testimonial comments would beneficial in the way of boosting conversion rate."
  • "To boost conversion rates, you need to collect information about how your visitors behave, who your customers are, and how your CRO performance is."
  • "You should determine the most fundamental elements affecting your conversion rate directly and regularly apply A/B test to them — website design, page design, questions on a form or questionnaire, images, content, calls to action, etc."
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Joseph Customer / Founder Collective

“It was such a pleasure to work with B12. Their technology made the web design process easy and the B12 team helped us launch a website we love! We're proud to be an investor and a client.”

Rick Customer / Rick Finbow Enterprises, LLC

“I think it's great that B12 is watching out for me. I'm reminded to update my website and I get ideas. I like that I'm not in it alone.”

Carlos Customer / FitFuel

“If you want to sit at the head of the table, use B12. It is clear they have talented designers who are genuinely motivated to see you reach your goals.”

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Leslie Customer / Social Theory

“What I appreciate most about B12 is its user-friendly interface. Not only do they build websites that look modern and great, but they’re also incredibly easy to manage and update. Whenever I have information that needs changing on my website, I can do it easily on my own.”

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Sheila Customer / Dr. Sheila Hughes Weight Loss & Wellness

“There's absolutely no comparison between our old website and the B12 one. Our B12 website gives us the call to actions we need and better communication tools with our patients. Since our B12 launch, we started seeing more online visitors scheduling a consultation through our website.”

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Natalie Customer / Natalie Elisha Gold

“The entire \[B12] process felt really quick and efficient. I was able to work with them and highlight certain areas that I wanted on my website. Everything that I didn’t like was changed in a matter of seconds and minutes. It was vastly different compared to the previous team that I had hired to do my website.”

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Dan Sales at B12

“Business owners are crazy busy. What's crazier is expecting a business owner to know how to design, maintain, direct traffic to, and update their own website. Thanks to our AI, they really don't have to. B12's AI-powered websites are powerful and we can't wait to get what we've built in front of people.”

Daniel Sales at B12

“I'm proud to work for B12 and deliver the product and service we do. Too often, individuals do not have the time or industry knowledge to build, manage, or maintain a website. In today's world, your website can be your best friend. We strive to make sure your best friend is working as best it can!”

Chuck Customer / Crowdfluencer

“My B12 website looks great, I am truly satisfied with the outcome. I love the responsiveness of our new website, plus it's incredibly light and fast. The team did an incredible job with the styles and the designs really popped for me.”

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David Design expert at B12

“Designing a website in just a couple of hours is actually possible. Thanks to B12's simple-to-use website editor, I'm able to create professional designs that would normally cost thousands of dollars.”

Shane Customer / Spike On The Water

“The B12 website editor is so simple to use. I added a bunch of images, reworked text, linked my products, adjusted form links, and even got an animation flying around my footer. The experience with B12 has been amazing. Building a quality website is now fast and affordable.”

Dan Customer / Dan Garcia Photography

“B12 bookings is truly one of the best features of my web page. My customers can always get in touch with me with this awesome tool.”

Annabel Customer / Evolv Ventures

“My B12 experience has been great! What I appreciate most is that I can edit the site personally whenever I want to, but I can also ask for support when there are changes that I'm not able to make myself. B12 is great blend of a DIY service and a full-service website agency.”

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Willie Customer / Urlife Now Fitness

“I like that someone is monitoring my website every month and making suggestions for how to improve it.”

Nikolai Expert at B12

“I use B12’s website editor on a daily basis and I love how easy it is to personalize the style. I’m able to add multiple images, videos, and text in different layouts based on the preference of our customers in just a few hours! It’s been a huge time-saver, given how intuitive the interface is.”

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