Want your website visitors to donate to your efforts? These resources will show you how to incorporate a donate button on your website.
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Transcript: In this tutorial we'll show you how to add a donations page to your website first sign up for a free account at we pay calm click on get started sign in with your personal information or click connect with Facebook to save time in this example we're going to connect with Facebook click log in with Facebook then click allow fill in your info then click sign up then give your account a name then click open then click accept donations give your campaign a name add an image or video include a description and campaign end date then click Next you can enter your fundraising goal and suggest the donation amount then click Add include another amount and click Add when ready click next you're now ready to publish your campaign click publish then click copy link copy this link click close and now log in to your website then click Add page then click link to an external website then paste the URL and give that page a name then click Save then ok now we can view the live site click view site you now see the donate link appear if we click on it it'll... See more →
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Transcript: Welcome to WPBeginner and thank you for watching.Today we'll add a Paypal donate button to our WordPress site. We'll cover the two easiest ways to do this. We are assuming that you already have a Paypal account setup and that it's ready to use on your site. The first method is to use a plugin and we'llbegin by installing and activating the Paypal donations plugin. Then you can go to Settings-->Paypal donations toconfigure it. Make sure you fill all this out especiallyyour Paypal email address and all the other settings. And when you're finished, save your changes. Now you can add this shortcode to any postor page where you want the donation button to go. If you want to add it to a widget, go to Appearance->Widgets and add the Paypal donations widget to the sidebar and save. The next method is by manually adding thePaypal button in WordPress. To do this, you need to go to your Paypalaccount, go to tools, and click Paypal buttons. Here we want to create a new button, fillout the information for it. And you'll see a website or email tab if you choosethe email code, you can customize it a bit more so... See more →
Transcript: Hey Josh and Michael here from PayPal with a quick tip on how to attract more donors on your site did you know PayPal offers a donate button you can feature on your website I did them not you Oh in just a few minutes organizations or individuals can easily add a donate button to their home page to attract new donors simply cut and paste your buttons HTML code to your site or use a URL for sharing in emails and social sites now your donors can donate using a credit or debit card and of course PayPal all with one button plus PayPal offers discounted rates for registered 501 C 3 charity for more information and to get started simply visit paypal.com backslash fundraise so don't wait make it fast and easy to Tony oh nice button thanks I meant this one you you... See more →
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Transcript: Hello, everyone! In this tutorial I'm going to beshowing you how you can add a donation button to your WordPress website, onethat integrates with PayPal. So it's very easy to set up and it's this one here.You can see it's a lovely slider here, The user can come to this page selectthe amount that they want to donate and then click the donation button, whichallows them to finish their transaction and the fund's lending your PayPalaccount. The more the user donates the happier the little man here gets. It's pretty cool. You're not restricted to a slider, you can also implement a donate button, likeyou see here, for a text box where the user can enter the amount they want todonate. Then click the Donate button. Here we go First, log in to your WordPress dashboard,then go to plugins, click on "add new". and I'd like you to install a newplugin called "donations made easy" that's the one there: "donations made easy", smart donations. Install now. And then click the activate plugin link.Now it has been activated; so, now go into smart donations and click on thesmart donations item. We want to add a new donation and I'll take you... See more →
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