What are the advantages of combining email marketing with a social media strategy? Here's what you need to know.
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Transcript: I'd wager a bet that you have been doingemail marketing in your business without even knowing it email marketing is aform of direct marketing that uses email as its main medium of communication thismeans that you right now most likely have emails or newsletters in your inboxthat a company created and sent out to you for their own email marketingcampaign basically any email that you send to a potential or current customercan be considered email marketing the goal of email marketing is to cultivatea relationship with your customers start thinking about the types of emails youcan begin to send out to your customers or people subscribe to your email listto get started with email marketing here are some first steps first findbusinesses in your industry that are doing really neat things in themarketing space I always recommend taking a look at what these players aredoing in your industry often they work with expensive marketing firms that usecutting-edge technology and data for the smaller guy this means that you can lookat what they're creating and use that information to grow your own marketingstrategy once you have determined some marketing savvy industry players goahead and get on their mailing list I recommend... See more →
Transcript: Every organization has customers regardless of whether you're a commercial for-profit firm or a non-profit all companies must be seen as relevant to those customers if they want to survive marketing then is getting customers to believe that your products and services are important and that they deliver a better value than the competition's smart companies see marketing as an investment that's because the marketing function may be the most critical in any organization marketing is how companies wage competitive battle in the marketplace if a company doesn't fight the good fight it won't be around long companies that Excel up marketing not only survive but they grow in value but marketing is hard work it's a world of ambiguity and constant challenge think about the things that change for a company for example consumer trends new generations of consumers Millennials for example have different needs than previous generations a good marketer has to adapt to that competition changes new competitors enter the market and the old competitors try new things to take your customers away marketers are also affected by changes in technology innovations in new products as well as new ways to connect with customers especially social media... See more →
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