Want to make legal marketing easy? Try these helpful tips and tricks to improve your marketing efforts for your law firm in 2020.
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Transcript: How to get started with a law firm marketing plan alright so first of all you have to identify what stage of growth your law firm is in the first stage of growth is from revenues of 0 to about $250,000 we call that creating a successful law practice we're not worrying about a business we're not worrying about it being sustainable we're not worrying about you being able to step away for a month at a time and have it keep going we just want it to be successful get your head above water get revenues to about $250,000 gross second stage is 250 to about $500,000 that's where you start to bring in staff you start to bring in other people to do things to delegate things you need processes and policies and systems and procedures the third stage is 2/5 is 500,000 to about a million that's really all about the financial controls using the metrics and the financial controls to make better quicker more objective decisions and then over $1,000,000 the point of making is you got to know what stage you're in because the things that are going to be great if your revenues are... See more →
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Transcript: So I wanted to address a question that I get pretty often from college students from current law students from other lawyers so I thought you know what let me answer some of these questions put it out there it might be helpful to other people who have similar questions on their minds so one question I get often is should I go solo so this is obviously by already by people who have already passed the bar so by lawyers not so much by college students or law students but I get asked should I go solo should I open my own law practice the reason I get asked this question so often is because I myself went solo about two years ago in 2014 I was working at a small law firm for three years and part-time and then I decided to open my own practice so when I seek and when I share with you guys the this advice and these stories it's from personal experience it's obviously my opinion but you know it might be helpful to someone out there so I'm gonna share it anyways but yeah so I actually open my own practice and... See more →
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