Looking for color presets for your website? Learn how a blue color palette can impact your site.
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Transcript: Hey what's up this michael thomas here colors how do you choose a color palette for your website well right off the bat i'm going to share this tool with you if you haven't found it already this is what I use for my colors I've even referred my clients in the past to this website and said hey give me an idea as to what your vision is for the colors that you want for this website go over to this web app and take a look at the color palettes and so what you can do is they can go on there have a look and they can get back to you with what it is that they like now the great thing about this this tool is it has color theory well I'm assuming it does anyway it has am assuming color theory built in to the algorithm for giving you color suggestions so what you can do is you can put in your color in one of these hex value boxes here and then you can find different shades complementary colors to that monochromatic suggestions that will go nicely with that color and that's what I... See more →
Transcript: Color, we hear a lot about it from colortheory and color harmony to saturation and brightness but what does it allmean? When we're sitting down in our design apps staring at blank artboardswith that little rainbow color picker how do we actually figure out all the colorswere gonna need to design our websites our interfaces and our apps? I once had amentor explain color to me in a way that was so easy I never really had toacquire any more knowledge about color I pretty much design 80% of my apps withone single color maybe two if I want to go crazy and I want to tell you aboutthat in the form of a little animated video color theory revolves around the colorwheel it's about the formulas that create the basis for color palettes thathave been proven to work harmoniously together there are a few tried and truedformulas that we can refer to to help ensure we're creating good color harmonywithin our color palettes monochromatic color schemes use one hue with differentsaturations and brightnesses so to create a monochromatic color scheme orpalette choose a single color or hue from the color wheel and change itssaturation or brightness for each of... See more →
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Transcript: - Today's video is a tutorialfor managing color palettes. I'm gonna talk through myapproach to color palettes and why they're important. And share how I manage themand keep them consistent across the differentdesign software that I use. (upbeat music) It's really important to beconsistent with brand colors. And when you're a marketingdesigner like I am, you're working with the same brand across a range of different projects, different design software,depending on the task, and you want thosecolors to all be the same no matter what. You shouldn't rely on color picking from a photo or another export for this, because color picking can go wrong and that's just not aprofessional way to go about it. You're gonna end up withlike 20 different shades, or nearly the same blue but not quite. To start with, I thinkI'll give you a look at the ConvertKit color palette that I use on a daily basis. And use it to show youthe basic ingredients I suppose of a brand color palette. First off we've got our blue, which is the primary color of ConvertKit. I have a few different shades of it to work in various situations like when you might need an icon... See more →
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Transcript: Hello everyone and welcome today I'm really excited to be talking about one of my favorite topics and this is color now color can really make or break your website so learning the techniques of how to use color effectively can make your website look really professional now the techniques I'll be showing you are used by web design agencies and even big brands so I'll be covering all these in today's tutorial so without wasting a lot of time let's dive in and oh and I forgot Divi has a new color manager and I'll be showing you how it works and this is really exciting because you know what it has another algorithm that automatically creates colors that work well together this is exciting and I'll be showing you all this in today's tutorial so right so you may be wondering why I'm standing in front of this shop so the main reason is this is an example of how colors used to brand your company so this main yellow color is the main color of the company and what you need to do now is when you're designing your website you need to choose a base color... See more →
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