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Transcript: So this is just a quick video to show you how you can track downloads across your website using Google tag manager and Google Analytics obviously there's quite a few articles and posts and videos out there which show you how to do this in-depth but I just wanted to sort of run through how you do it from a very basic perspective using tag manager now one thing to keep in mind when you set up this tag and set it live is that it won't be able to tell you how many completed downloads you have rather it's just tracking customers that click on the download link so if there's some kind of error or the customers connection is interrupted before the download is complete it will still record that as a download nevertheless it's it's still obviously important information to be tracking in to have so what I've gone ahead and done is set up a test website just on Weebly and this is just to test out various different types of tracking and just for demonstration purposes so it might be interesting for you guys as well you could actually do this instead of experiment with... See more →
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Transcript: Hello Corinna si here from social media worldwide and in this video I want to share with you how to track your Facebook campaigns with Google Analytics Google Analytics is a website analytics service provided by Google that allows you to collect information about your website traffic sources measure your results as well as analyze your results there are many benefits to using Google Analytics when running Facebook advertising campaigns and why it's one of the preferred analytics platform for advertisers the first benefit is that it is a free service so you won't have to pay any monthly fees to use the service another benefit is that it allows you to have a better understanding about who your audience is such as their age gender and location and who your business appeals to by knowing who you attract you'll know how to craft better marketing messages based on who you're addressing in your campaigns a third benefit is that it is quite user friendly you don't need to be tech savvy to use it and you don't have to be a website developer to install Google Analytics either if what benefit is that it allows you to see what... See more →
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Transcript: Hello and welcome to Google Analytics bootcamp this is Josh Oaks today we're going to look at how to examine Google Analytics to use it to our benefit let's go ahead and get started first of all today how to track social media success using Google Analytics what are we going to learn Josh well we're going to look at examples from real brands first then we're going to learn how to use the Google URL builder then we're going to see how to shorten our long links using bitly really quickly and you guys have seen this in previous videos next I'm gonna give you a quick cheat sheet on how to track your messaging in Google Analytics after it's deployed just very very simple stuff we're not going to get overly advanced we can do that on future videos but today is just a jump start Josh why should I use Google Analytics that's a great question let's look at some examples so that we can see why the heck first what what is this used for and then I'm going to show you what is it and then how how to use it because I know a... See more →
Transcript: This video is brought to you by monster insights mustard insights makes it easy to double your traffic and sales by showing you exactly how people find and use your website just click on the link in the description below to get started the first 200 people to use the coupon code wPBF will get 50% off monster insights today I'll show you how to install Google Analytics for your WordPress website I'll show you three different methods so you can get up and running quickly so if you're ready let's get started the first thing you want to do is you want to make sure that you have Google Analytics set up and if you don't we can go to analytics that and first it'll want you to sign in to your Google account if you don't already have one then you'll want to go ahead and create one otherwise sign in with the account that you want to set this up with once you log in you'll see something like this if you've never set one up before so you just go and sign up an account name is just one account and it can have multiple... See more →
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Transcript: - In this video, we're gonna talk about how you can track links withthe help of Google Analytics. All the more coming up.(lively song) Hey there and welcomeback to another video of teaching you the data-drivenway of digital marketing. My name is Julian andtoday we wanna talk about how you can track links withthe help of Google Analytics. Now, we have severalvideos on this channel actually already tellingyou how to track links and other interactions with the help of Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics, but this question of how totrack links and specifically comes up quite often still in the YouTube comments down below. Why? Because it's actually not that trivial of how you can track linkswith Google Analytics because there are actuallytwo kinds of mechanisms that are most often used. This is all about where yourlink actually originates. So if you have a link thatactually points to your website, it's on a different websiteor it's an advertising or it's a link in a newsletter, that will be differently tracked from a link that is actuallyon your website itself. We wanna today look into both cases and I'm gonna show you how to track them with the help... See more →
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