How to create websites for companies with multiple brands

Does your company manage multiple brands? Check out these great resources to help you create a website that suits them all.

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How to create websites for companies with multiple brands


Transcript: There are an estimated 300 million companies in the world today that's 300 million brands some brands as big as Apple and coca-cola others are smaller than one person business with so many brands in the world it's getting harder to create and find a unique name so how do you create a great brand name how can you play and win the name game you start with three steps first select what type of name you want there are seven different categories of names and pretty much every brand in the world falls within one of these seven categories eponymous names like Disney and Burberry work by embodying the vision and beliefs of their founders these names are okay if you're feeling lazy or just have a big ego adidas is more unique its derive from Adi Dassler the company's founder and Tesla wasn't created by Nikola Tesla he died in 1943 but the name is an homage to Tesla's electrical engineering achievements descriptive names like American Airlines and the home depot work by telling you exactly what the company does but these names can be a mouthful and are much harder to own and protect acronyms like GE... See more →

Key quotes:

  • "Core Service Partners is a company out of South Carolina with multiple brands in the mortgage, real estate, and title markets."
  • "It partnered with TitleTap to help on-board new companies faster and in a more streamlined manner, while keeping their brands unique but consistent with the parent company."
  • "He continued, “Partnering with TitleTap has enabled new brands to roll out faster over multiple channels and allowed us to stay consistent."
  • "We have also experienced superior results from improved SEO on Google, more brand recognition with the online ad campaigns and increased opportunities.” Here is how TitleTap helps multi-brand Real Estate Title Insurance Companies standout from their competitors while still being unique."
  • "Interested in how TitleTap might be able to help you streamline your website marketing and/or your social media? TitleTap provides turn-key websites and marketing tools like Video, Social Media Management, and Email Marketing for Title Agents and Real Estate Attorneys."
  • "Get more great marketing tips like this specifically relevant to Real Estate, Title Insurance, Mortgage Lending, and Law by subscribing or visiting our blog above."
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Key quotes:

  • "They have different websites for each brand to target various customer segments, countries, markets, and regions with similar or specific content."
  • "Let’s briefly discuss some specific challenges that multi-brand companies, maintaining different websites, face."
  • "The company needs to keep a close watch on each of these brands/websites as a separate business unit to take appropriate decisions if things do not turn out the way they were supposed to."
  • "Most content management tools that are available on the market support multi-language websites to some extent."
  • "Multi-site Manager (MSM) for Cross-website Sharing AEM has a multi-site manager that allows users to manage and maintain multiple sites easily."
  • "As a result, users can effortlessly manage multiple websites that share common content."
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Key quotes:

  • "This detailed article on how to build a brand online is recommended for all small business owners and self-employed professionals who want to see their business fulfill its potential."
  • "You start by defining the core values and qualities of your brand and let them guide every step in the brand development strategy that we will discuss throughout the article."
  • "This is your brand’s story — the motivation that started it all, the backbone of your entire business operation."
  • "The look and feel are crucial in conveying your brand identity, but it’s the brand’s tone that actively determines how people engage with it."
  • "Engaging with your audience Building a brand for your business entails more than designing a logo, creating a website and advertising yourself."
  • "To increase your engagement’s impact, there are two points you need to consider: So there you have it: Your brand identity, the look and the tone are the three essential elements to successful brand development."
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Key quotes:

  • "A brand strategy should encompass these 7 things: In order for your customers to connect with your brand through your website you’ll need to properly define your business, your customers, and the story you want to invite them into."
  • "A vital element to any content strategy is the brand positioning for your business on the website."
  • "The fundamental shift you’ve got to embrace in your content strategy is that your business is the guide to help the customer find the solution (your products and services) to their problem."
  • "Now that you’ve defined your brand, know the type of content that will resonate with customers, know what type of platform you need to run your website, you’ve now got to put it all together to make a cohesive and delightful experience for your users."
  • "The one thing that rings true no matter the nature of your business is your website will often be the first touchpoint potential customers will experience with your brand."
  • "If you put little to no effort into how your business is presented on your website, what impression does that give to potential customers?."
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What customers & experts say

Leslie Customer / Social Theory

“What I appreciate most about B12 is its user-friendly interface. Not only do they build websites that look modern and great, but they’re also incredibly easy to manage and update. Whenever I have information that needs changing on my website, I can do it easily on my own.”

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Mandie Design expert at B12

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the B12 website editor. It allows me to make pixel-perfect websites in a fraction of the time.”

David Design expert at B12

“Designing a website in just a couple of hours is actually possible. Thanks to B12's simple-to-use website editor, I'm able to create professional designs that would normally cost thousands of dollars.”

Natalie Customer / Natalie Elisha Gold

“The entire \[B12] process felt really quick and efficient. I was able to work with them and highlight certain areas that I wanted on my website. Everything that I didn’t like was changed in a matter of seconds and minutes. It was vastly different compared to the previous team that I had hired to do my website.”

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Roberto Customer / Emerald Gardens

“B12 was able to give us the flexibility we needed to play around with website elements while guiding us in our first attempt at building a website.”

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Sheila Customer / Dr. Sheila Hughes Weight Loss & Wellness

“There's absolutely no comparison between our old website and the B12 one. Our B12 website gives us the call to actions we need and better communication tools with our patients. Since our B12 launch, we started seeing more online visitors scheduling a consultation through our website.”

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Liam Sales at B12

“B12 aims to help small business owners by saving them time to focus doing what they do best — running their business. We want to help them increase their bottom line by providing high-quality websites at a fraction of the price charged by boutique agencies and other DIFY providers.”

Jaiden Design expert at B12

“B12’s AI draft dramatically reduces my time traditionally spent working on content structure. As a B12 web expert, I can focus more time on creating a beautiful website and UX that fits the customer’s content and goals.”

Nikolai Expert at B12

“I use B12’s website editor on a daily basis and I love how easy it is to personalize the style. I’m able to add multiple images, videos, and text in different layouts based on the preference of our customers in just a few hours! It’s been a huge time-saver, given how intuitive the interface is.”

Dan Customer / Dan Garcia Photography

“B12 bookings is truly one of the best features of my web page. My customers can always get in touch with me with this awesome tool.”

Debra Customer / A New View of Food

“B12 has positively impacted my business with its wide variety of integrations, such as the bookings integration! I’ve been getting more emails from potential customers who are able to book online and schedule consultations with me easily. I’m not tech savvy, so if you’re like me, having a company like B12 to work with is incredibly helpful.”

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Princess Customer / Clear Visions Consulting Services, LLC

“I need \[B12] recommendations. As I add new courses to my website, I need to make sure that I'm fresh, I'm sharp, and I'm up to date.”

Annabel Customer / Evolv Ventures

“My B12 experience has been great! What I appreciate most is that I can edit the site personally whenever I want to, but I can also ask for support when there are changes that I'm not able to make myself. B12 is great blend of a DIY service and a full-service website agency.”

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Daniel Sales at B12

“I'm proud to work for B12 and deliver the product and service we do. Too often, individuals do not have the time or industry knowledge to build, manage, or maintain a website. In today's world, your website can be your best friend. We strive to make sure your best friend is working as best it can!”

Megan Customer success at B12

“The website editor rocks! It makes it easy to add new items while keeping the same theme and structure I set when I created the site, no reformatting needed. It's fool proof and provides everything needed to create a seamless, gorgeous website. I actually use B12 for my own website!”

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