Struggling to keep your mailing list in order? Check out these tips and tricks for using Google Groups to stay on top of everything and streamline your efforts.
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Transcript: Hi this is David Spangler and I'm going to show you how to use Google Groups to create a mailing list to help you get around the 500 message limit per user per day from Gmail if you press create a group from within groups we're going to name the group test group a group description test group and I'm going to select restricted on the access level and create my group at this point we will add some members I'm going to select three of my co-workers and turn off the send email to new members notifying them they have been added and add the members in this list as well I'm able to go well beyond the 500 user limit so that I can essentially send one email out and have it go to over 500 recipients and be able to send more than one of those a day we visit the new group and the first thing we'll do is change the group settings and access so that only one person can send out mail to this mailing list so we're going to change the who can post messages to managers only save the changes and at... See more →
Transcript: (futuristic whooshing) - [Scott] Groups, labels, Google Contacts. What is it all about and whyshould you be using labels? Well in today's video I wantto show how you can save time by creating groups within Google Contacts. Hello, everyone, ScottFriesen here at Simpletivity, helping you to get moredone and enjoy less stress and when you create labels,formally known as groups within Google Contacts, youcan save yourself so much time. If you have a team orparticular group of people that you contact on a regular basis, isn't it easy just toselect one group here and then boom! All of their emailaddresses are input here on the to line. But this isn't the only placewhere you can use groups. You can use it in otherGoogle applications as well. Now let's get started off bygoing back to Google Contacts. In order to do so, I want toshow you two ways to get there 'cause this is a questionI get most frequently. Number one: if we go tothe top right hand corner we have our Google Appsicon and by clicking this you should be able tofind the Contacts icon. Now if you don't see it up here, you may have to scroll down below... See more →
Transcript: In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a group email or group contacts inside of your Gmail whenever you compose a message and you are entering all the people that you'd like to send the email to you can enter them one person at a time or the easier way to do it is to have a premade group whenever I have a premade group I simply type in the name of the group and I can select everybody inside of the group here I have a premade group called science these are all of the students in my science class notice it enters them all for me whenever I choose the science group this allows me to email my science class must much more efficiently and effectively to do this I'm going to go to the top where it says mail choose the drop-down menu and select contacts you can make as many groups as you would like as you can see I have groups for my advisory students advisory parents the LA teachers science teachers parents of students and in my science class to create a group you're going to choose new group here... See more →
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Transcript: Welcome to this Google Apps screencast where I'm gonna show teachers how to make a google group email list for your classes it's a great way to organize your students all into one group so I'm in the Google Groups tool this is accessible from the black bar up at the top so I went to groups and when working in the groups area you just go up here to create group when you get into the create group area you should see first just make sure that you have Franklin choices this is for Franklin staff that we're showing this screencast we're creating the screencast make sure you have Franklin choices over here if you don't try to go back to groups make sure you do see the Franklin choices here and that you're signed in with your Franklin credentials for creating the group name please start this with the two letters of your building so I'll put F P if you're working at the high school you can put HS or in the of Elementary's use your two letters and that's just so when all these groups are piled together in one place we know what what building... See more →
Transcript: Welcome to Gmail video here I will show you how you can add a contact to specific group in Gmail so for that just click on this similar button and there you will find contacts click on that after that it will display all the contacts and groups as well so as you can see here is showing all contacts and here it is showing all groups so let's say for example you want to add this contact to the group say ABC then what you do is click on edit button and then you have to click on add to groups here it will select all the groups so if you want to add in to say ABC then you have to click on ABC and that's it so if you now go to the ABC that contact is added in to that group so next time you send the contact send an email to ABC group they will be saying to this person as well that's how you can add a contact to the group in Gmail thanks for watching this video happens if this video useful please hit like below and for more videos please subscribe my... See more →
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