Ready to sell your business? Check out these resources to learn how to provide owner financing for buyers to avoid having to go through traditional banks.
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Transcript: Hey guys so Tomo this week wants to know what is the collateral for the vendor financing note when you buy a business hey there everyone it's a David Barnett from David C Barnett calm the blog site YouTube channel iTunes and SoundCloud podcast where I talk about buying selling financing and managing medium and small businesses I just got back from an amazing vacation went and visited Croatia as well as Montenegro with my girlfriend Natalie it was a sort of a business trip for her and I got to tag along and I just want to give a big shout out to everyone out there who's watching who are in the Balkans I had no idea I had so many subscribers in that part of the world and it was great to hear from you guys so Sasha dragon Masha Mira and of course Tomo who sent in a question this week thanks so much for the hospitality it was a beautiful part of the world and I'm a big history buff so seeing all that old stuff from the Romans the Venetians different you know periods of history over the last few thousand years was amazing I... See more →
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Transcript: So how exactly would one go about buying a business with no money hi there everyone it's david barnett from the blog site and youtube channel where i talk about buying and selling small businesses local investing personal finance and business management and anything else that people want to ask me questions about I have been watching for some time now videos on YouTube talking about buying businesses with no money and I've also gotten several questions over the course of the last year or two from people who want to know how they can put a business deal together to buy a company with no money or people who've been offered businesses for no money and they want some advice on those and I thought maybe now is the time to actually create a buy a business with no money video but mine's going to be a little bit different from well the all the other ones you can find online because I'm going to put a little bit of intelligence and common sense into this video so first of all what exactly do we mean by buying a business with no money does that mean you don't... See more →
Transcript: Hey what's going on guys it's Sam co-op one of the coop brothers real estate investors and today I'm gonna show you how Danny and I generally negotiate and find owner financing deals now this is very exciting because this is actually our first time showing you guys some of our secrets online YouTube and Facebook so I was kind of worried at first because I'm gonna be sharing some of our secrets and is what makes us competitive as real estate investors and how we negotiate for deals so in a general sense I'm not gonna share everything but I wish to share some big picture information that's gonna help you definitely now if you want some of the details and some of the more juicy stuff I'm gonna leave some links and resources down below the links section below if you're watching this on Facebook you'll see it up top I'm gonna leave the cheat sheet right our owner financing cheat sheet guy you guys can download that for absolutely free where we have a owner financing calculator it's gonna show you and help you determine if what you're dealing with is a good deal or not a... See more →
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